
HelpAction Launches in Austin!

Are you looking for a way to volunteer and make a positive impact? HelpAction has just launched in Austin, TX! With HelpAction, you can get involved in meaningful activities that will have an immediate effect on the lives of those around you.

HelpAction is an important platform connecting volunteers with those in critical need. It provides contactless service delivery of vital resources throughout the community. HelpAction does great work by connecting organizations like food banks, pantries, and other agencies with reliable volunteers who offer free delivery of essential items. HelpAction’s mission is to ensure that vulnerable people have access to the resources they need during these troubling times.

How does it work?

HelpAction is an organization designed to make helping others easier. As a volunteer or “Shopping Angel”, you will receive text alerts with requests from people in need. These requests come from parents, nonprofit organizations, healthcare workers, neighbors who have had their income interrupted, or people with underlying medical conditions.

If you choose to accept the request, you will be connected with the person in need to coordinate a time and location for dropoff. HelpAction understands that volunteers may not always have a trip planned for the day, so it is okay if you decline a request. The assistance request message will then be sent to the next volunteer down the line until an available volunteer can take it on. HelpAction makes it easy to lend a helping hand when you are able.

Based in the Southwest of the United States, Paso del Norte region, HelpAction currently operates throughout Texas and Illinois, with plans of expansion into additional regions. With the goal of reaching more people who seek assistance from their communities without putting themselves at risk, HelpAction aims to bridge the gap between those seeking aid and volunteers willing to make a positive impact –all through their innovative platform.

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